
Showing posts from December, 2019

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Despite our inexperience, our hands on road test taught us some important things: She didn't kick, her udder and teats were okay, and she'd been tested monthly at the dairy for disease. So far so good, but we had to take their word about milk production. Their estimate was 4 gallons a day but we later discovered she'd give 5 gallons a day on good pasture in the summer. 3. SELECTION OF WINNERS: OnSeptember 16, 2019one (1) Grand Prize winner will be randomly selected by WGN TV from all eligible entries. Winner will be notified by e mail or telephone. Mr. Retzik said he was not aware of any previous attempt by a film company to create a marijuana product tie in, though occasionally pot sellers have appropriated the names of popular movies, including"Pineapple Express,"which was distributed by Sony Pictures Entertainment, in their packaging. "Tusk" is rated R for violence, gore,strong language and sexual content, but it does not have pot smoking scenes, Mr. ...