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While many people have small tonsilloliths that develop cheap nfl jerseys in their tonsils, it is quite rare to have a large and solidified tonsil stone. Excessive use of spices, condiments, acrid, pungent and astringent food items. Constant dry, hawking, dog like cough. "It was like a mule kick. Like I had my head pretty far up my ass, and I didn't even realize until I got hit over the head with it," says Hallowell, now 45. He sips tea at his kitchen table as he recounts the searing, soul searching work he's been doing, with the help of his therapist, a social worker, an array of women advisers and a men's group. Police say he failed a field sobriety test and a sample of bodily fluid was taken at the Loyalist OPP detachment for analysis to determine what drug he was impaired by. The man has also been charged with possession of more than 30 grams of cannabis in a public place. Police seized 747 grams of dried cannabis from his vehicle.. Do you have to be familiar...